Mission Statement: It is our goal to correct our broken legal system and lobby to Impeach bad judges . One of the many problems today is that judges do not understand and/or have never read the Cannons that are to guide them. To make judges fair to all parties. We want people to have a resource, to help them when they have been wronged by a bad judge. This happens way more often than we or they would like to admit. Time to make them Accountable!!!
Please read Iowa Cash and the tax payer is being bilked out of millions and destroying families in the process. Please share this with family and friends. More and more e-mails are coming in.......... Now we need to organize. CONTACT US ASAP: Iowa forms will be coming very soon. Do your own work without an attorney. Remember the Bar hates this and you will encounter resistance from the courts and judges. Enter at you own risk. LOL Some stories are so unbelievable that I am not even sure I should publish them. Although please keep sending and passing this site onto your friends. Iraq Veteran Disabled is ordered to pay 90% of his income for child support. How is this fair? Coming soon list of State Legislators. We need to send daily letters about the child support. Please read: Fidel Castro was being interviewed by Barbra Walters when she asked him about a resent election in his country Cuba. Walters said that George Bush was unhappy because the elections were not fair and open. That people were not given all the facts and some were excluded from voting. Fidel leaned forward and asked "Barbra do we need to talk about Florida?" End of question! But here in America we excluded other candidates from any and all Debates. This is what we have going on in this country today. People are only now waking up to the fact that we are the largest violators of Human Rights. Through the child support system we have created a "Debtors Prison" Please read 1 & 2 below. 1. Father imprisoned 60 days for nonpayment of Child Support. Although his decree is very specific, if Respondent gets behind the Child Support is to be raised to an amount to get him caught up. The Judge missed that one! Maybe the Judge purposely jailed him for giggles? 2. Father imprisoned 180 days for nonpayment of Child Support, only he got caught up before the hearing. Please be aware that judges don't care about anyone’s freedom or what it cost the taxpayer. Judges aren't very selective picking who they will imprison! Now, what is this costing the tax payer? The questions that are coming are? Would they do this to a female? One father we know has never collected child support from this ex and the state will take no action! Ten years and no child support. Now, before you get upset. One woman was being strangled by her to be ex and the judge never even reprimanded this monster. Unbelievable! Please pass this information on to your friends. New story under shame on Iowa tab. Please read. Trip to Des Moines lobbing the Capital about bad and corrupt judges. They were very responsive. Now the word is getting out and we are making friend that can help and maybe get some thing done. Thanks to everyone that went along. hyper link to disbarred Attorney: http://www.iowacourts.gov/ Supreme_Court/ Recent_Opinions/20120302/11-1627.pdf "BIG NEWS COMING SOON" We will be sending our results to the state. Sign up now to be on the jury, our mailing list is growing. Thanks! Saturdays Mock Trials have went very well. Thanks Thanks to all those that have been passing this site to their friends!!! As many of you know we are starting to get attention from Senators and Iowa Representatives. _____________________________ The stories are coming in! MUST READ: What can someone do when the Supreme Court is of no help? This is a real problem! In many and most cases the Supreme s only uphold bad decisions from the lower courts. There is a case that a young man will have to file a suit is Federal Court and see if they can make any better decisions. Example: Iowa citizens ex-wife moves to Texas and now he is ordered to pay Child Support in both states. I would call that a crime and a great example why we need reform. Again: Judge put on an accounting hat! Should judges be allowed to break someone? Hearing: Temporary support, respondent income for 2009, 2010, 2011, $52k, 32k, and 68k respectively. Judge base support on $71,000 yearly and makes Respondent pay all living expenses and Petitioner's attorney a $1000 on top of that. Respondent now living in mother's basement. Judges ruling upheld (by another judge): Resent ruling: a judge in Linn County stated that one could not be held to Sanctions for missing a pre-trial hearing if the hearing was not order before a Judge. We will soon have a pdf. file for everyone to have. I know many cases that will be reheard because of this ruling. They were ordered to pay sanction because they missed a pre-trial hearing. So again good news and this should open a flood gate of cases. I know that is not what Iowa law states but this judge said this. Really!!! What would happen if people started asking the court for moneys back that had to pay for missing a court ordered HEARING? Thank for the comments. Judge switches children at birth!!! Well it's not that bad, although, a couple going through a divorce agree that one child will live with mother and the other will live with dad. Only when the judge writes the order he (he) switches the kids. Giving the wrong child to the wrong parent. Now, if a hospital was to do this there would be a law suit. The same judge would award lots of money. LOL, this is why we need accountability. OTHER STORIES: 1. A woman gets choked out by her soon-to-be ex and the only thing that stops him is the children. Her lawyer tells her to drop a no contact order because she can’t prove that he choked her. Then he stalks her. He would go to her work steal the Van and hides it from her. The woman fires her attorney and gets a no contact order on her own. WHY do we need attorneys that give bad advice? Now it gets better! Judge order neutral exchanges at the Police Department only for the ex to violate the order and speak and threaten the protected party to the point of getting arrested. Still this judge does nothing to protect her! Still orders neutral exchange again. 2. A women moves out of home with children, and takes every thing plus the husbands work tools (body shop). Judge in Waterloo, Iowa says too bad. Denies motion to retrieve his tools for his trade. Now, he has to pay child support and losses tools to provide income. Can anyone name that Judge? 3. A young man has not seen his daughter for 8 years because of judge Thomas.Judge Thomas did nothing to protect the child and making bad judicial decision. No wonder this man placed a 4x8 sign in his yard protesting this Judge. Maybe he should move to Wisconsin? They seem to place more value on parent - child relationships. (Please read Shame On Iowa tab) 4. Retire RN placed in prison for three years for threatening Judges. Never given the chance to prove that that was never her intent. She never had a ticket her entire life. She just wanted to let a small claims court magistrate know how terrible she was. Boy, can I sympathize with that. Many of your Small Claims Court Magistrate were attorneys that couldn't make it in private practice. 5. Another judge (Linn County) ordered a father to have visitation with his daughter at and with ex-father in-law present. Also, with security guard that father has to pay for, not ex-father in-law. If he is dangerous, then why place the ex-in-law in harms way? He is not. What a great environment for child! That-a-boy judge! _______________________________________________________ PLEASE READ SHAME OF IOWA COURTS _____________________ Oh, the problem with Judges!
A gentleman goes through a divorce, has a three year old daughter. Judge makes him submit to supervised visits. Only, at his x-mother-in-laws house. Oh, by the way, put in writing that she "would rather stick a knife in his throat than look at his face". Obviously, a great environment for father and daughter. Well, he did go and he took a third party with him. On the third visit he took a Social Worker with him. They never even got out of the car when x-mother-in-law was screaming at the both of them from the porch. They never got out of the car when x-wife parked her truck behind them to keep them from leaving. See where this is going? Yes, then the Sheriff pulled up and spoke with the X and then approached the car. The social worker handed her business card to the officer and got out and explained what had been going on. Well the x's were beside themselves, they got caught acting BAD. The daughter was in the window watching every thing. Well, it goes back to court. The judge wouldn't even let the Social Worker testify but took visitation from the father for a year for his unwillingness to cooperate. Now my question to you? Who is the real victim? You got it, the 3 year old daughter. Way to go JUDGE! Where's the accountability? Time to step down. |
Linn County Court House, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
ACCOUNTABILITY HERE! Do you know any others? If you feel or know of anyone else that feels that the court system is out of control and without any wisdom? Please enter your information and we will contact you or feel free to call us. Please pass this web site on to others. Our phone number is 319-651-3622 Thanks and if there is any way that you can help give us a call. MOCK TRIALS
Please sign up asap. Next Mock Trial (Coming very Soon). Although we will have no legal authority, we want to set up retrials to hear cases that the judges really dropped the ball and see if a group of volunteer jurist would see things differently? Judges hate this! (Accountability) If you would be interested in volunteering, please fill out your contact information. Thanks Japan 2010Did you know that Japan appointed their first Lay Judge? This is a common person that has common sense and no law degree. I just read a story about this on the net. This maybe what this country needs to straighten it out. Our present system has only proved that it is corrupt and out of control. How does a judge place another person's income at twice what he reports to the IRS?
Thanks to everyone sharing this with their friends:
We are now hearing from other states. Although, no time to stop now. Share this with everyone that is on your e-mail list. Time to Picket The Iowa Supreme Court |